Sustainability &
Business Outcomes Focused

Sustainable Focus

  • SAVING ENERGY & RESOURCES: Attendees can enjoy all the high-end, luxury amenities with a clear conscience — because behind the scenes, we’ve designed the adventurous experience to reduce water consumption and energy waste. We also recycle, upcycle, and use sustainable practices whenever possible..
  • PROTECTING WILDLIFE & RESPECTING THE LAND: For every breathtaking hike in the wild or jaw-dropping animal sighting attendees enjoy, we take responsibility to preserve those experiences for generations to come. That’s why we intentionally craft bespoke glamping villages with minimal disturbance to wildlife, vegetation, and we seek to regenerate the land whenever possible.
  • SUPPORTING LOCAL COMMUNITIES: From the foods served to the services guests receive, we keep the experience authentic and respectful to the land and local culture. As we embed local culture and traditions, we nurture multi-generational skills and crafts, and ensure that local communities’ culture, traditions and economies thrive for future generations.
  • EATING LOCAL & HOMEGROWN: From using nutritious locally grown produce to sourcing meat and fish directly from local farmers and fishermen; guests enjoy fresh and seasonal foods while curbing emissions and reducing food waste.

Business Outcome Focus

Glamping Site Identification & Feasibility Our site location and feasibility studies are designed to provide you with a wealth of decision-making information that aligns the “wow factor” of the location with desired business outcomes – information that will help you quantify and qualify your site’s potential to properly engage guests and drive measurable ROI.